Sunday, September 19, 2010

Chapter 1 - Business faces many threats from water scarcity


The article is written by Lloyd's 360 Risk and Insight and WWF on the relationship between the growing threat of fresh water scarcity and businesses, as populations constantly continue to grow. The article basically states that certain businesses, that produce goods that require water in the production, “may face risks as governments seek to reallocate water to priority users.” paragraph 4, even to those who already who hold a water license. WWF head of Freshwater Programmes, Dr David Thinker, says companies should follow two strategies to manage water risk: the three Ms-measure their water risk, mitigate it, and market themselves in managing water use in the sector, and the three Is-consider water risk profiles, influence suppliers to mitigate water use, and consider water risk to businesses and supply chains when making investment decisions.


The connections to Chapter 1 that stand out the most are scarcity and the law of diminishing returns. Water is becoming scarce, and if we don't do something about it, we will run out of fresh water. Water is needed for everyday lives, but our over-use of the resource is becoming harmful to the environment and freshwater ecosystems, which are in decline from the over-use and pollution caused by humans. This article also deals with the law of diminishing returns, because the water is the fixed resource. As population grows, businesses will grow and produce more to accommodate the population, which means there will be a larger demand for water, but eventually we will run out of water to full fill the demands.


I agree with the writers opinion. Businesses should be more environmentally-conscious of the choices they make, because some businesses are too worried about the present and how much profit they earn, and not enough about how their decisions will affect us, and freshwater ecosystems in the future. I believe that not just businesses, but everyday people should start becoming more aware of the choices they make that affects the environment, and change now instead of later, before it becomes to late to save our freshwater resources.

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